Domains of freedom: Justice, citizenship and social change in South Africa
Freedom ... Justice ... Citizenship ... What do they mean in South Africa today? In striving for them, have historical inequalities been recognised? Have political changes over the last 20 years translated into economic redistribution? Have the struggles for social change enhanced the project of decolonisation? Examining a wide range of social issues, from economic policy, land reform, gender politics and healthcare access to trade union mobilisation, heritage discourses, rights debates, citizen participation and migration policies, Domains of freedom shows that social change in South Africa should not be understood as either a catastrophic failure or an overwhelming success. This book makes it clear that South Africa’s recent history of freedom reflects the deep complexities and non-linear trajectories of building egalitarian societies more globally. Its authors are researchers who have all contributed significantly to understanding the meaning of freedom in their own subject areas. The result is a comprehensive overview which is useful for anyone keen to understand the complexities of freedom in South Africa today.